
Thermally Broken Aluminium Windows

Dortech Thermally Broken Aluminium Windows

Dortech manufactures thermally broken aluminium windows from systems provided by Technal and Doncaster based Senior Architectural Systems.

From Seniors, we have selected their PURe® window suite, which is a revolutionary new aluminium window, that uses an enhanced thermal barrier manufactured from expanded polyurethane (PUR) allowing ultra-low U-values to be achieved.

Technals FY 65 thermally broken aluminium window uses a 65mm deep profile and common components to give architects & contractors the benefit of an extensive choice of construction options.

Both aluminium window systems can be offered in a variety of different combinations, including;

  • Ribbon configurations
  • Inserted into curtain walling screens
  • Available as a balcony door configuration
  • Most commonly, top hung, or side hung,
  • Parallel opening to maximise ventilation by offering a full perimeter aperture
  • Tilt and turn

Please note: Dortech owns the copyright of the images above. These images are from projects we have undertaken. Please contact us directly should you wish to know more about any of the projects featured.

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